is a vrml scavenger hunt taking place within numerous linked vrml worlds. It is absolutely FREE.
The object is for you, the explorer, to seek out various artifact "snapshots" which have been placed in these worlds. You will need to be a very proficient explorer.
However, there are numerous artifacts and not all are valued. You must find the clues that describe which artifacts are to be collected and in which worlds they are to be found. Each world contains a clue and a valued artifact. Sometimes the clues and/or artifacts are hidden or a puzzle must be solved.
Each artifact snapshot bears a reference number. If you believe you have found a valued artifact, make note of its number.
When you have toured each world and found all the valued artifacts, you can submit the winning numbers to MCS (see below). The first twenty correct entries will get into the HEXWORLDS hall of fame.
Currently there are just a few actual wrl's here, but we'll add more regularly. Eventually we hope that YOU might submit a world or two.
The HEXWORLDS sites were tested in Live3D ( a long time ago)We have no idea how they will appear or behave in other browsers. If you are using Live3D it's a good idea to try different settings. Some wrl's look better with the texture shading off, for example.As soon as we have some time we will update HexWorlds to use VRML97.
Enjoy!© Copyright Sculptware LLC., 1997-1998.
Created by basemental